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GX1400GPS/E við innbydum GPS

Prísur við ella uttan MVG:

 Løtt og einkul uppseting!

GX1800GPS/E hevur eina innbygdan 66 kanal GPS í fremra panelinum, soleiðis at tað ikki er neyðugt at stríðast við at forbinda radio við GPS til DSC. Úr eyskjuni og klárur at nýta, DSC uppkall, knattstøður deiling, navigatión til DSC neyðarkall kann alt verða framt við fáðum og løttum trinum.

ITU-R M493-13 Class D Digital Calling

GX1400 Eclipse Series er ein ITU-R M493-13 klassa D VHF við einum einstakum 70 kanal móttakara, ið loyvir DSC uppkall at verða móttikin sjálvt tá lurta verður eftur samtalum.

DSC DISTRESS funktiónin, tá hon verður sett frá, sendir eitt digitalt MAYDAY írokna skips upplýsingar, breidd / longd og tíð, til at lætta um skjótt aftursvar. 

Ein nýggjur Dot Matrix skermur

Ein nýggjur High-resolution dot-matrix skermur ger at navigera teir mongu eginleikarnar á radionum lætt og einkult. Nú við einum nýggjum ljósari bagljós fyri ein betri skerm upploysing.

E2O Easy to Operate menu skipan

Endursniðgivið við nýtslu fólkinum í huga, tann nýggið Easey to Operate menu skipan er nú meira hugskygdur enn nakrantíð fyrr. Fá atgongd til allar menu funktiónir og instillingar við bert nøkrum fáðum einkultum trinum. DSC uppkall og DSC programering hevur ongantíð fyrr verið lættari.

  • Built-in 66 Channel WAAS GPS receiver
  • Ultra Compact Class D Fixed Mount VHF Radio. Meets ITU-R M493-13 Class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling)
  • Clear Voice noise cancelling speaker microphone with channel selection and 16/9 key
  • E2O Easy to Operate Icon/Menu System
  • Oversized Full dot matrix display (31 mm x 55 mm)
  • DSC test call and Auto DSC channel change selection
  • GPS position and Time Shown on a Full-dot Matrix Display
  • NMEA In and Output Connections to a Compatible GPS Chart Plotter
  • Programmable soft keys
  • Automatically poll the GPS position of up to 6 ships using DSC
  • Submersible IPX8 waterproof rating (1.5M or 4.92 feet for 30 minutes)
  • All USA/International and Canadian Marine Channels
  • Pre-set key used to recall up to 10 favourite channels
  • Programmable Scan, Priority Scan, and Dual Watch
  • All USA/International and Canadian Marine Channels
  • ATIS Mode for European Inland Waterways
  • 3 Year Waterproof Warranty
  • Built-in 66 Channel WAAS GPS receiver
  • Ultra Compact Class D Fixed Mount VHF Radio. Meets ITU-R M493-13 Class D DSC (Digital Selective Calling)
  • Clear Voice noise cancelling speaker microphone with channel selection and 16/9 key
  • E2O Easy to Operate Icon/Menu System
  • Oversized Full dot matrix display (31 mm x 55 mm)
  • DSC test call and Auto DSC channel change selection
  • GPS position and Time Shown on a Full-dot Matrix Display
  • NMEA In and Output Connections to a Compatible GPS Chart Plotter
  • Programmable soft keys
  • Automatically poll the GPS position of up to 6 ships using DSC
  • Submersible IPX8 waterproof rating (1.5M or 4.92 feet for 30 minutes)
  • All USA/International and Canadian Marine Channels
  • Pre-set key used to recall up to 10 favourite channels
  • Programmable Scan, Priority Scan, and Dual Watch
  • All USA/International and Canadian Marine Channels
  • ATIS Mode for European Inland Waterways
  • 3 Year Waterproof Warranty

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Vikmar  |  Tel. 612182  |  Fax 35 2183  |