SeapiX til nót

23. Sep 2014

SeapiX til nót.
Nýggj útgáva av SeapiX til nót.

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29. Aug 2014

Kundi tú hugsa tær at arbeitt við nýggjastu tøknini til skip?

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Fishing vessels as scientific platforms

18. Jul 2014

Fishing vessels as scientific platforms

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Nú er at verða klárur til Makrelin

16. Jul 2014

Nú er at verða klárur til Makrelin.

Tí er umráðandi at hava røttu sensorarnar á trolinum.

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Vikhub -New service from Vikmar

Until today, fishing vessels have been using satellites for mapping the ocean surface temperature

VikHub is the first LIVE temperature mapping system for fishing vessels!

Many fish species follow the ocean temperature.

VikHub is mapping the ocean temperature with live data from fishing vessels.

VikHub is not only mapping the temperature on the surface.

VikHub is also mapping the temperatur close to the bottom!

Contact Vikmar to learn more about VikHub for surface & bottom temperature mapping


Vikmar  |  Tel. 612182  |  Fax 35 2183  |