Marport nøgdar sensor við vinkul - Tilboð
09. Nov 2018
Marport nøgdar sensor við vinkul - Tilboð
Marport nøgdar sensor við vinkul - Tilboð
Her liggur Kallsevni TN-340 sum sakk við Mjóvanes
Í samband við leiting eftir Tjaldur, kom Vikmar eXplorer fram á Kallsevni sum sakk við Mjóvanes 31 mai 1971.
Oknin velur eisini Viknet Internet frá Vikmar
Until today, fishing vessels have been using satellites for mapping the ocean surface temperature
VikHub is the first LIVE temperature mapping system for fishing vessels!
Many fish species follow the ocean temperature.
VikHub is mapping the ocean temperature with live data from fishing vessels.
VikHub is not only mapping the temperature on the surface.
VikHub is also mapping the temperatur close to the bottom!
Contact Vikmar to learn more about VikHub for surface & bottom temperature mapping