SeapiX mest framkomnað multibeam ekkólodd í 2018

18. Jan 2019

SeapiX mest framkomnað multibeam ekkólodd í 2018

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Spydro kamera

12. Des 2018

Spydro fiski kamera

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Hamranes og Breiðanes updatera til Marport Scala

05. Des 2018

Hamranes og Breiðanes updatera til Marport Scala.

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Vikmar góðkent FLIR umboð

13. Nov 2018

Vikmar góðkent FLIR umboð

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Vikmar managing owner Jan Hammer Egholm on board the Vikmar eXplorer. Image credits: Maria Olsen.

Fishing for Information

Fishing for Information

Commercial fishing is increasingly becoming imbued with networked digital information as fishing vessels share critical data in real time transmitted via marine electronics—with even small inshore boats equipped to map the seabed.

Read the article here...

Les meir um fiskileitið útgerð her...

FBR23-2425.pdf   Fishing for Information PDF file.

Vikmar  |  Tel. 612182  |  Fax 35 2183  |

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