Vikmar eXplorer kortlagt Nólsoyarfjørð

11. Jan 2020

Kundi tú hugsa tær at sæð hvussu Hoyviksgrynnan sær út?

Ella kanska onnur mið í Nólsoyarfjørði?

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Nýggji Klakkur velur eisini Viknet frá Vikmar

04. Jan 2020

Nýggji Klakkur velur eisini Viknet frá Vikmar

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Olshana dronu myndir frá Vikmar eXplorer

28. Des 2019

Olshana dronu myndir frá Vikmar eXplorer

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Vikmar eXplorer skrásett rúgvur av kúpuskeljum

28. Des 2019

Eftir uppmátan av botni við SeapiX, kom Vikmar eXplorer fram á sera áhugavert økið.Hetta øki hevði rúgvu av deyum kúpuskerljum, men tað sum var serliga áhugavert, var at hesar lógu allar í avlangum rúgvum, við ávísum avstandið og so vendi allar suður/norð?Áhugavert er at vita...

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SAILOR Iridium

SAILOR® SC4000 Iridium Telephone System

Truly Global, Truly Reasonable

Keeping in touch with the shipping company, other ships or with loved ones at home is vital for any vessel crossing the oceans. With the SAILOR SC4000 Iridium system from Thrane & Thrane, ocean-going ships of all kinds get a very cost effective satellite telephone solution for seamen of all stripes.


The SAILOR SC4000 Iridium telephone system is the ideal satellite communication solution and well suited for all types of vessels cruising the high sea – from yachts to fishing vessels, from coasters to large merchant ships, from coast guards to naval vessels. With true global coverage and advantageous airtime rates, the SAILOR SC4000 Iridium is the obvious choice for anyone sailing along foreign coasts with high GSM roaming fees - and onwards to as far as the arctic seas.


The Iridium Satellite Network

Iridium is a reliable and truly global satellite network for telecommunications. Its 66 cross-linked low orbiting satellites form a world-wide grid providing real global coverage. From pole to pole, a satellite is always in sight and ready to handle your call. A convenient assurance, but more importantly, a crucial safety factor keeping peace of mind. Iridium offers very attractive airtime rates and executes trouble free Iridium-to-Iridium and Iridium-to-shore calls and vice versa.


Constructed to Last

The SAILOR SC4000 Iridium system is very sturdy and designed specifically for the harsh maritime environment being able to withstand even the toughest conditions at sea. Based on the original SAILOR reliability, it is made for rough life and usage and is approved according to international maritime standards.


Global Voice for Crew Calling

The sea can be a lonely place of work. Family, friends and loved ones are thousands of miles away. Providing a solid and easily accessible communication solution for your crew will help you keep spirits and morale high on the entire voyage. The SAILOR SC4000 Iridium telephone supports a wide selection of crew calling plans and pre-paid scratch cards. In fact, the SAILOR SC4000 can act as the on board telephone box, allowing each crew member to manage and control their own costs directly, so you won’t have to worry about individual billing and administration costs. A simple solution. Better for you and better for the crew.


Data Capability

The standard data capability of the SAILOR SC4000 Iridium system is 2.4 kbps and can be turned up to 10 kbps by accessing Iridium’s 10 kbps compressed data service. Beside basic e-mail exchange and internet access, it supports the PC based Iridium SMS service for short text message communication with other Iridium phones.





True global coverage



Attractive airtime rates – one global rate  
Global voice and crew calling  
Individual user billing  
On board telephone box


Vikmar  |  Tel. 612182  |  Fax 35 2183  |